2023-08-22XAC Releases the New Configuration of C150SE PCI 6 Certified NFC Reader with NFPA 130 Compliant
Hsinchu, Taiwan ROC (Aug 22nd, 2023). XAC Automation Corporation (5490 Taiwan OTC), a leading R&D/Manufacturing company focused on delivering commerce solutions to the payment industry is pleased to announce a new configuration of C150SE PCI PTS 6.x certified NFC reader with NFPA130 compliant. This new configuration will make C150SE contactless reader can follow international fire protection criteria and provide the best safety experience for related rail or high speed transportation system’s device and use cases.
NFPA130 criteria is an international standard specifies fire protection and life safety requirements for underground, surface, and elevated fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems. This criteria is common requested by critical transportation system and related equipment around the world.
With more and more NFC contactless reader is used in transportation scenarios, such as bus, high speed rail or ferry..etc. XAC is pleased to announce a new contactless NFC reader configuration which is based on current PCI 6 certified's NFC reader (C150SE)'s stable product quality, IP65 robust design, major payment schemes supported (PayWave (Visa), PayPass (Mastercard), Discover DPAS, AMEX Express Pay, China's UnionPay QuickPass, Japan's Jspeedy (JCB), Canada’s Interac Flash, Felica based schemes and the option of adding other countries local schemes as needed based on different project requirements. ), and base on these to provide international's fire protection (NFPA130 compliant) as an option for our clients.
The introduction of NFPA 130 complaint's C150SE NFC contactless reader's demonstrates XAC's commitment to work with our client to bringing the most suitable product configuration for different kind’s uses cases, especially for the industry application that need payment device needs to has the high safety fire protection criteria.
For a detailed product specification, please visit the product page or feel free to contact us at marketing@xac.com.tw for any other information.